$23.94 | 6 cards and envelopes
(MSRP: $3.99 per card)
"Snuggle and kisses, pure love…* Enjoy every moment with your new baby boy!"
Item 200-00022-000Greeting: "Snuggle and kisses, pure love…* Enjoy every moment with your new baby boy!"
Greeting: "There's a new princess in town!"
Greeting: "…and where love and laughter will always flourish. Enjoy Every Moment in Your New Home"
Greeting: "…and ever. Happy Anniversary, My Love"
Greeting: "Just wanted to see how things are in your neck of the woods."
Greeting: "Things always have a way of working out."
Greeting: "Believe in yourself…I know I believe in you!"
Greeting: "You're on my mind and in my heart."
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